Almond and Verba
3/23/2010 02:22:00 PM
"Too much political participation is a bad thing..." what a great quote to use for my not so upcoming exams. I just went to my final Comparative Politics Tutorial today and honestly speaking, it was a blast and a half. I learned that even when you choose not to politically participate you actually are. So all these weeks of choosing not to participate (extensively) during the tutorials, I have exercised participation in all of them in my own way. Shows how funny life is huh? This was really good news because at the end of the tutorial all my worries about my non-participation were gone because rather than be unenthusiastic about my tutorials, I was instead enthusiastically going about my chosen path.
That was just the tip of the iceberg for me. After today I have no more lectures nor tutorials to attend. All I have to do now is enjoy my easter holidays (I'm going to Prague with them BROS), finish up my three essays before the start of the next semester (which is in about 6 more weeks) and start revising for my exams (whereby the period starts in 8 weeks and ends 3 weeks later). Of course I only have 3 papers to sit for so my exams might finish very early. Then after that, back to Brunei I go!
Note: Oh how I miss Brunei ='D