My First Job
4/27/2009 11:27:00 PM
Yesterday I started work. Yay! I don't think I'm at liberty to discuss the operations of what I do but all I can tell you is that I work as a Data Entry Clerk at Expansys Technologies located on the top floor of iCentre (Your Innovation Centre - iyea) which means I'm one floor above Ranoadidas who I think I will meet today if not on Friday. Why Friday? well on Fidays the iCentre family (they're familial there) gathers at Coffee Zone down below and has sort of an activity called 'The Breakfast Club'. Our employers said that this Friday all of us new staff will be introduced to the whole of iCentre. And oh yeah they have a Foosbal table.
I guess this is the closest I can get to working in Collegehumor.